Surprise! Hillbilly Vanilli and Retrumplicans Lied
The “Law and Order” and “Back the Blue” VP and party lied in the days leading up to their Orange Overlord’s coronation. *Pause for the shock to dissipate*…
21 Jan 2025 15:56
The “Law and Order” and “Back the Blue” VP and party lied in the days leading up to their Orange Overlord’s coronation. *Pause for the shock to dissipate*…
21 Jan 2025 12:39
One of the billionaires that bought themself a seat at Hair Fuhrer’s ketchup stained table took an opportunity to represent the white nationalist regime by throwing out Nazi salutes. The African immigrant, Elon Musk, should be disavowed by everyone in government, in the media and by any decent human being.
21 Jan 2025 14:59
Despicable Don had a busy first day. In addition to the orders he put in place and were in our last post, he also rescinded previous executive orders. The official White House website posted this message from His Unholiness:
21 Jan 2025 11:10
After taking the oath of office, with no intention of abiding by it, the Melon Felon scribbled his psychotic signature on 26 executive orders. Check them out and comment which ones will hurt you and/or your loved ones.