Musk and His Tech Bro Rats Take Over

Published on 15 February 2025 at 17:08

Thank #youfuckers who thought putting the Melon Felon in office was a good idea. President Muskrump has control over our Treasury. By executive order, his fake DOGE department changed it from an advisory group to an IT role giving him access to all their computer systems which he used to lock everyone out. If you STILL haven’t grasped it, this is the escalation of the coup he started in 2016.

Career civil servants are being forced out of their jobs or “put on leave” for trying to do their jobs by denying access to computer files and classified information to the slimy little toads from DOGE who don’t have clearance. Every single one of us has had our private data breached. Not by China. Not by Russia. By an African immigrant hell bent on destroying our government. He is well on his way.

It is impossible to keep track of all the damage they are inflicting on us on a daily basis. It’s been what they promised… shock and awe. It has been a non-stop show of trumpfuckery since he lied when he swore to protect the Constitution. Project 25 was always the plan for this regime. They’re implementing directives from this fascist manifesto in every agency of government at such a rapid pace that it just overwhelms and exhausts anyone paying attention. The free press is dwindling and the journalists who will actually call out this (so far) bloodless coup are being kicked out of offices, shut out of pressers and having their lives threatened. Bloodless is highly unlikely to last. He’s got the military at the border, he’s empowered his ICE thugs to go into schools and churches, Marines are now at Guantanamo preparing detention CAMPS. Right now, they say it’s for the “illegals”… but it won’t be long before all manner of his “enemies” will be targeted and end up imprisoned or detained.

I keep hearing the “military won’t follow unlawful orders.” Fuhfuxsake, I know they’re just trying to hold onto scraps of the “norm” but do they actually believe that offers any solace? He started on day one firing anyone who might dare challenge his orders. This will continue and they will be replaced by General Flynn types. Also, orders are no longer able to be considered unlawful when they come from Agent Orange since the bought and paid for faction of the supreme court said he’s above the law. Just for shits and giggles, let’s say the military can’t be taken over like this. No worries, there are plenty of hate groups, militias, angry white male incels with easy access to guns, conspiracy theorists with GI Joe envy stockpiling weapons, non-perishable food, body armor and fortifying their property for the inevitable arrival of libtards coming to take their guns (but since that is never going to happen, why not another shot at an insurrection), neo-Nazi losers, evangenitals who don’t know the difference between a bible and the Constitution, and a plethora of cult members who believe every lie he tells and are filled with rage and hate toward anyone who doesn’t think trump is above everyone and everything.

Pardoning and releasing the traitors that stormed our Capitol, beat the police officers there to protect the building and the people inside, vandalized and literally shat all over that building while looking for members of our government who hadn’t bowed down to the dicktator wannabe to kill was one of this regime’s highest priorities, done before anyone knew what was happening. His own VP Hillbilly Vanilli had barely shut his lying mouth from assuring everyone that no violent offenders would be part of a pardon. But one scrawl of his psychotic signature and even the most violent were granted their freedom. That type of gift buys even more loyalty than they already showed.

So much damage, so quickly. They will not stop. Their party will not honor their oaths to protect the Constitution and this country from all enemies, foreign or DOMESTIC. They will continue to root out and punish opposition. They will continue to lock civil servants, whose loyalty is to their country not a person, out of any access that would allow them to mitigate any damage being done to their agencies and departments. There will continue to be Democrats holding on to “normal order” by their fingernails because they want to play by the rules against an opponent who wipes their asses with the rules and will cheat, steal and lie. There will be media outlets that will kiss the ring and hype stories about the idiot wanting to buy Greenland, merge with Canada, seize the Panama Canal and how he rants about windmills and are completely silent about what they’re actually actively doing while they think no one’s looking.

So - barring a LOT of Retrumplicans being deprogrammed from the cult, or Democrats actually saying fucking NO and not giving his unqualified, dangerous cabinet picks a single vote, not making deals to give them anything for some minor concession, not refusing to put names to all the supposed silent republicans talking shit about the lunatic heading their party in private but supporting him publicly, and not trying to achieve unity with Hitler’s biggest fans, or SCOTUS becoming legitimate and following the law - there will be bloodshed. And every drop of it will be on them.

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